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What we do

Our Mission is to create and support programs that positively impact the health, education and general well-being of the under served.


Our Vision is that the hungry be fed, the sick receive treatment and no child be deprived the opportunity to complete their education.

Every year, we visit young adults and children in the Philippines who are living in poverty throughout the inner cities and rural areas. Our goal is to help these underserved individuals in any way possible. Our activities include (but are not limited to) the following...

  • Food Distribution in schools & orphanages.

  • Health and Hygiene care pack distribution in schools & orphanages.

  • Medical check-ups and vision screening (with designated partners) in schools, orphanages and rural communities.

  • School visits to distribute basic educational supplies and other class room materials.

  • School Scholar sponsorship - currently we have a mix of nine high school and college students in the rural schools whose education we are "sponsoring" thru graduation.

  • Financial aid campaigns to assist the funding of medical procedures for financially challenged families who have children undergoing liver transplants.


Each year we raise funds and collect materials for our next overseas mission. Primarily we look for canned foods, mixed toiletries, toothpaste & toothbrushes, miscellaneous candy, school supplies and medical supplies. In addition to this we also campaign for funds to purchase school uniforms and footwear where there is a need.

At the end of the year, all purchased and donated goods are sorted and packed in our home in East Palo Alto California and then transported to a local freight forwarder for shipment to the Philippines. 

Upon receipt of confirmation that our materials have reached their destination, we fly from San Francisco to Manila to meet them. From there we load everything on trucks and accompany it to its designated destinations (typically a specific school or orphanage). We personally distribute all materials to our target audience - never leaving anything in the hands of the "middle man". Each mission trip lasts an average of three weeks. Our goal is to make sure the fruit of our labor reaches the one most in need. 

In years past, 90% of the financial burden of our missions came from our own pocket. However, to keep up with the ever-growing demands and popularity of our outreach projects we do now solicit assistance from friends, family, businesses and other Non-Profits (primarily for the purchase of materials) - we are not averse to collaborating with other groups and documenting their partnership with us. 


In the past two years we have also spearheaded fundraising campaigns to provide financial assistance to financially challenged families who have children requiring liver transplants.  To date we have contributed funds towards three successful liver transplant procedures, two in the Philippines, and one in India.

Our wish in the long term is to partner and collaborate with individuals and groups so that the burden of expense is alleviated and the quantity (and selection) of materials for distribution is increased. In essence, if we have more resources available to us, we can reach even further and serve so many more.

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